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Caitlin's A Level Revision Shop

I was due to sit my Alevels in May/June 2020 however, due to Covid19 these exams were cancelled. I was predicted A* A A in OCR Philosophy, AQA English and Edexcel History. I hope these resources prove to be just as helpful to others as they were to create! :)

I was due to sit my Alevels in May/June 2020 however, due to Covid19 these exams were cancelled. I was predicted A* A A in OCR Philosophy, AQA English and Edexcel History. I hope these resources prove to be just as helpful to others as they were to create! :)
Soul, Mind & Body revision sheets - OCR

Soul, Mind & Body revision sheets - OCR

Soul, Mind & Body - complete revision sheets of all information needed to be known for the OCR Religious Studies (Philosophy and Ethics) exam year 2 topic ‘soul, mind & body’ - new spec. Completed in colour, these sheets include all philosophers and their beliefs on the topic. Broken down into small sub-headings in order for them to be easily accessible learning materials for all abilities. Hoping these are as helpful as they were for me to create :)
The problem of evil revision sheets -OCR

The problem of evil revision sheets -OCR

The Problem of Evil - complete revision sheets of all information needed to be known for the OCR Religious Studies (Philosophy and Ethics) exam year 2 topic ‘the problem of evil’ - new spec. Completed in colour, these sheets include all philosophers and their beliefs on the topic. Broken down into small sub-headings in order for them to be easily accessible learning materials for all abilities. Hoping these are as helpful as they were for me to create :)
The nature of God revision sheets - OCR

The nature of God revision sheets - OCR

The Nature of God - complete revision sheets of all information needed to be known for the OCR Religious Studies (Philosophy and Ethics) exam year 2 topic ‘the Nature of God’ - new spec. Completed in colour, these sheets include all philosophers and their beliefs on the topic. Broken down into small sub-headings in order for them to be easily accessible learning materials for all abilities. Hoping these are as helpful as they were for me to create :)
Ancient Philosophical influences full revision notes - Philosophy - OCR

Ancient Philosophical influences full revision notes - Philosophy - OCR

Philosophy - OCR - Religious Studies - Complete notes for topic 1, Ancient Philosophical influences The document contains detailed bullet point notes of ALL information needed for the individual topic of the first year Philosophy OCR. Written in a coherent fashion, it can be used alone or easily converted into revision resources. Includes a range of headers to clearly signify each part of the topic to cover all parts of the course. Key philosophers are also highlighted in a different text font as well as quotes - knowing these are KEY for the exam and therefore clearly distinguishable. Certain documents also contain some ‘top tips’, on where or how to use each piece of information within a timed essay during the exam. Hoping this is as helpful for others as it was for me creating them :)